Many organizations are already realizing the advantages of moving to the cloud. However, there is still a big level of reluctance when it comes to designing, planning and adoption of the same at an enterprise level. The main reason being the complexities involved in implementation compared to what is viewed as a long term cost benefit that moves fixed costs into operational costs. The reality though is that cloud offers far more than just cost savings. First question that comes into anyone’s mind is that WHY CLOUD? We have that answer for you.
In today’s world every IT department is busy in doing operational works that consumes almost 70% of time and money which leave them with only 30% to innovate anything new as far as technology is concerned. Traditional datacenter IT issues still exist:
• Infrastructure Organization : Servers, Storage, VM’s, Network Sprawl which is not easy to manage.
• Timely Responsiveness : Due to operational overheads IT staff is not that responsive so that they can match IT innovation with your business goals.
• Under Utilization : Allocation as per use so that there is no hardware resource wastage.
• Multiple Vendors Lock-in : Dependencies with vendors which do not give freedom to IT to have what they want?
• Inflexibility : IT infrastructure in many companies is inflexible in design and hence cannot undergo major changes or overhauls.
• IT Services Availability : With the growing demand and higher prices, IT services availability has become a scarce.