Software Licensing

We sell software licenses from Microsoft and all other major software vendors and help your organization get license compliant. The offerings include Desktop Operating Systems ( Windows), Network Operating Systems (Windows Server), Productivity tools ( Microsoft Office), Database systems ( Microsoft SQL), designing tools ( AutoCAD, Adobe, Coral etc.

Two common categories for software under copyright law, and therefore with licenses which grant the licensee specific rights, are proprietary software and free and open source software (FOSS). The distinct conceptual difference between the two is the granting of rights to modify and re-use a software product obtained by a customer: FOSS software licenses both rights to the customer and therefore bundles the modifiable source code with the software ("open-source"), while proprietary software typically does not license these rights and therefore keeps the source code hidden ("closed source").

In addition to granting rights and imposing restrictions on the use of copyrighted software, software licenses typically contain provisions which allocate liability and responsibility between the parties entering into the license agreement. In enterprise and commercial software transactions these terms often include limitations of liability, warranties and warranty disclaimers, and indemnity if the software infringes intellectual property rights of others.






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